Monday, September 1, 2008

Thoughts from Berlin

I just wanted to share a few interesting thoughts, which occured today and in the past days here in berlin.

One of the Librarians at the Potsdamer Plats Staats Bibliothek spoke english with a lisp but spoke german without a lisp.

Unfortunately I have seen people with all sorts of Machles Nfk"g, here in Berlin. Blind, dumb, and one frightening looking youngster with, Nebach, completely deformed facial features (Sorry for sharing this but I think the parents should not bring this child into the public. It really gave me a shock, kal vachomer children....) Just wondering why g-d is showing this to me and in of all places here in Berlin

People here are more civilized, for example, the subway doors close once. Not reapetedly like in new york because of people blocking them.....

Each train door is by the push of a button on the door. If you dont push the button, the door dont open. I dont understand why they arent that adavnced in the states.
The button is on either side of the door.

I went sightseeing "by accident", as ND put it. I was on my way to some place when I became aware that the train will not be continuing after the Potsdamer Platz stop, so I get out and there I found myself looking at remnants of the Belin Wall....

Currently in Berlin

News from Berlin

(Written a week ago but only completed now)
To all:

At the moment i find myself in Berlin, Germany, a city which was home to the Rebbe from 1928 up until the Yimach Shimoy'nicks rise to power in 1933, hence the purpose of my journey.
Tonight (last week mon.) will conclude a cycle of seven days that i have been in Berlin and as of late there is not much that i have to say.
Upon alighting the airplane i was surprised to hear a woman, speaking on her cell phone in German, suddenly switch to Hebrew! At the close of her phone conversation I greeted her with a surprised Shalom! and we began conversing in Hebrew. Turns out she is very familiar with Chabad in Berlin, where she currently resides with her husband of 4 months, and happens to be an einikel of the Alter Rebbe. Its always more comforting to meet a fellow Jew in a foreign country.
Berlin is a very clean city comparatively to other large cities. On par with the classic Yecke lifestyle. While driving in the taxi from the airport it seems as if you can hear the buildings. Different from the usual loud boasting of city houses the buildings here seem to be peacefully coexisting. The apartment houses, a collection of resembling blocks, each house matching perfectly to the other, whisper quietly amongst themselves. The residents (at least the majority of them) seem to mirror that too.

At this time of the year the Chabad is very quiet. Camp has ended and the Bochurim of the Yeshiva are on summer vacation. There are Minyanim thrice daily attended by approx. 15 to 25 worshipers. On shabbos the Shul fills up with over 100 people in attendance.

The "Rohr Judisches Bildungszentrum" (Jewish Learning Center) was completed one year ago. For the opening festivities many a V.I.P. were present, including Uncle Fried to entertain the masses. The building is very beautiful and has received an award for its unique architectural design, primarily for the design of the Womens Gallery which is suspended on 3 sides. Included within the "compound" are a restaurant, fest. hall, Mikva, guest rooms, library, and a computer lounge. There is also a special lounge reserved for the important guests who visit Berlin. Past visitors include MK Eli Yishai, R' Lev Leviev, Harav Lau and others.

Also under the auspices of Chabad is a Yeshiva of 10 bochurim who learn during the evening with local Baalei Batim, a school with 130 children, and new for this year, the Torah College, which is a part time yeshiva for Baalei Teshuva. There are currently 13 students enrolled.

The people who come to the Chabad are mostly Russians, as is the local population. The people here are very nice and cordial and enjoy coming to Chabad in spite of the fact that there is another Ortodox shul not too far away. The second shabbos was more lovely as the first as i got to know the people here better.

ok thats enof sed for now.